
Isnin, 8 Mac 2010

We Do Not Need YB Zul Nordin In PAS

The saga of YB Zul Nordin in PKR has just ended, or so it seems, or so it is hoped. PKR has taken the brave decision to expel Zul, at a time when the party's number in Parliament is thinning out following the 3 defections. PKR has no choice but to do what it has to do. Zul's position in PKR is not tenable. His attack and police report against YB Khalid Samad is against the spirit of Pakatan Rakyat, PKR contends.

Of course there are other intra-party reasons which led to the expulsion. In order to maintain a strong relationship among parties in PR (in this case to safeguard relation with Pas), PKR, as a matter of principle, has to part with an individual ie YB Zul. Subsequent and future antics of Zul will not be the responsibility of PKR.

How do we in Pas see this episode vis-a-vis the spirit of camaraderie in PR? I personally see this action by PKR as a call for closer understanding and better working relation among the 3 parties. It is always easy to pat our backs during good times, after a victory or when the going is smooth. However when the odds are against us, the going is rough and the enemies are at the gate, we have to be serious, careful and most importantly, be prepared. At that point in time intra- and inter-party discords are just unacceptable. So I salute PKR's action in its effort to avoid Pas-PKR discord.

In return the Pas-DAP show of support for DSAI who is facing a rough time himself is again a sign of solidarity in Pakatan We should dwell in more of such acts of comradeship and I am sure the supporters and rakyat at large are with us.

All is well that ends well? Not yet! Suddenly we hear from far the willingness of Pas to absorb YB Zul into its fold if he so wish. I'm dumbstruck! How could anybody even suggested that? He was sacked for trying to ridicule a Pas member, and now we are willing to take him in. What is this? Dakwah? No. I take this as an opportunistic, unprincipled move. That is to say it nicely. Some brutal commentators will say that this is ridiculous. How can one person who has obviously created so much problems to a party, sacked and admonished, be plucked from political wilderness by a friendly organisation into its fold? Don't we have any feelings right now? Is our feeling numbed? Really, I don't believe this is happening.

Strangely the views from those in Pas that opposed such suggestion (I'm sure there are many) still counter proposed that this issue be discussed at the Central Committee. I will have to oppose that. We should not even consider discussing this shameful proposition unless we don't value anymore the friendship in Pakatan. (And I've not even touched on YB Zul's previous record in Pas...).

Oleh Dr Hatta Mohd Ramli

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